Once upon a time, actually not very long ago, people exerted power over the world around them. There was passion in people’s eyes. Finally after nearly two hundred years of elitist control, average people stood up. The poor, the young, the old, the colored, people whose voices had been lost in the abyss of hopelessness and disenfranchisement all stood up together and their collective voice shook the mind, heart, and soul of a generation. This was a revolution- at times violent and at other times beautifully and unexpectedly peaceful.
But between then and now, something happened. There was a counter-revolution of mass media- of mass distraction. There are still protests in the streets, but media outlets choose to report on Britney Spears. It was noticed immediately, and there were efforts to inform you- to empower you against it. As early as 1976, films like Network could’ve stopped the counter-revolution, but the media was too good at distracting you.
Why do you let them do this? Is it that they’ve been doing it so long you don’t recognize it? Has it become self-propagating?
It seems as though, those who would benefit from your not paying attention have you completely figure out. Which cars will distract you the most? What music will distract you the most? They’ve packaged ridiculous situations and people in the title “reality,” and you tune in every night. You’re so conditioned to ignore the world that you can’t be bothered anymore. If it doesn’t flash or if it’s not brightly packaged, you just are not interested.
So now, I’m asking
you to answer
my question. Are you willing to change? Are you willing to unplug from this matrix of distraction that you’ve unintentionally given yourself to?